Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ads in fast foward

I am responding to another blog posted by the Bulldog reporter, In this post the argument that Tivo is causing less ads to be view is discussed and debated. Most people are right in the middle of fast forwarding through commercials and watching real time with commercials. The question is will Tivo destroy ads? No it, I don't think that Tivo poses a serious threat to advertising. I used to have a DVR the it became to expensive so I have used the functions of a DVR player and seen how it effect commercials and Tele watching. Occasionally, the fast forward function is not used and when it is not ads are seen even sometimes rewound and re-watched if they are any good. But this does not matter, ads will always be affective and apart of pop culture even without TV. The internet will keep the ad industry afloat even if Tivo kills it on TV. People watch TV via the internet anyway. and many people still don't have Tivo or DVR players, plus the average american I believe enjoys ads as much as they complain about them, since we are lazy and watch way to much TV as a nation, ads offer spot to go pee, or get a beer, or a hot dog. Tivo may have but a small dent in the advertisers way to reach their audience but it won't stop them.

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